A Taste of Exile (Series)

A Taste of Exile, 2023
Resin and Concrete
25 x 20 x 10 cm

A Taste of Exile, 2023
Tinted Resin and Concrete
25 x 20 x 10 cm

A Taste of Exile Neon, 2017
White neon with acrylic
68.5 x 27 x 14 cm

A Taste of Exile Chair,2023
Tinted Resin
112 x 100 x 65 cm

Dreamland Sirens, The Fitzrovia Chapel, London

A Taste of Exile is a reminder that we all come from a uterus; we are all embedded in nature and in the mystery cycle of life and death. With a nod to the Queen of Hearts this piece celebrates pre-monotheistic times and serves as a hopeful icon for the possibility of alternative systems and power structures. Colbert uses the symbol throughout her practice—including in jewellery—striving to create a supportive coven, united by the loving and protective symbol of origin.

"We all come from a uterus. Actually, thinking about that feels like science fiction; it’s so surreal. It feels like the symbol should remind us to respect and love where we come from-not only our Organs but also the earth. There is the dream of space travel; could we have the dream of earth living? Infuse that with a sense of vision and adventure"